Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Planners
During the process of getting a development approval or a construction permit, you will most likely need to obtain the services of one or more design professionals, licensed by the State of New Jersey, such as a:
Registered Architect
The practice of architecture is the rendering of services in connection with the design, construction, enlargement, or alteration of a building or a group of buildings, and the space within or surrounding those buildings, which have as their principal purpose, human use or habitation. These services include: site planning; preliminary studies; creation of architectural designs, drawings, specifications, or other technical documentation, and; administration of construction for the purpose of determining compliance with drawings and specifications.
Professional Engineer
A Professional Engineer is an individual who has special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences, and the methods of analysis and design used to prepare plans and specifications for engineering works, building systems, utilities, roadways, etc. A more comprehensive definition of the practice of Professional Engineering may be found in NJSA 45:8-28.
Professional Land Surveyor
A Professional Land Surveyor is an individual who has special knowledge of mathematics and the relevant requirements of law to measure the land both horizontally and vertically, locate physical features and prepare maps, render opinions about the location of boundary lines, prepare deed descriptions and prepare subdivision plats. A more comprehensive definition of the practice of Land Surveying may be found in NJSA 45:8-28.
Professional Planner
The term “practice of professional planning” shall mean the administration, advising, consultation or performance of professional work in the development of master plans in accordance with the provisions of chapters 27 and 55 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes, as amended and supplemented; and other professional planning services related thereto, intended primarily to guide governmental policy for the assurance of the orderly and coordinated development of municipal, county, regional, and metropolitan land areas, and the State or portions thereof. The work of the professional planner shall not include or supersede any of the duties of an attorney at law, a licensed professional engineer, land surveyor or registered architect of the State of New Jersey.