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Carl E. Peters, P.E., P.L.S., P.P., C.O.

Carl E. Peters is a licensed Professional Engineer, Professional Land Surveyor, Professional Planner and Construction Official in the State of New Jersey with decades of experience in both the public, and private sectors.

Forensic Analysis, Expert Testimony and Litigation Support

Mr. Peters performs investigations and provides forensic analysis, testimony, and technical support for attorneys representing both plaintiffs and defendants in complicated litigation in matters such as: construction, civil and municipal engineering, land surveying, planning and zoning, construction codes, home improvement contracts, slips, trips and falls, and barrier free access (handicapped accessibility / ADA compliance).

Accessible Buildings and Sites (ADA)

Carl E. Peters has, since joining New Jersey’s Barrier Free Subcode Committee in the early 1990s, actively worked toward the removal of barriers to access in buildings, sites and public rights-of-way. As a Construction Official he administered compliance with the Barrier Free Subcode in new buildings and sites. As a Municipal Engineer he was responsible for the removal of barriers on public properties and rights-of-way. In private practice has inspected and reviewed many public accommodations for compliance with the standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These assignments have included: restaurants, hotels/motels, shopping centers, retail stores, barber shops, hair stylists and nail salons, parking lots, marinas and public streets and sidewalks. He has consulted for both plaintiffs and defendants with the goal of developing cost effective ways of removing barriers to access.

Land Use

Peters has provided engineering, planning and land surveying testimony before municipal Planning and Zoning Boards regarding site plans and subdivisions many of which required variances. He has also testified about proposed changes to municipal Land Use Ordinances. His testimony has been given in support of some proposals and in opposition to others. Often the subject of the testimony revolves around the positive and negative proofs required for the granting of one or more variances.

Dispute Resolution

Mr. Peters is on the roster of Civil Mediators for the New Jersey Courts. He offers his varied expertise to facilitate the resolution of disputes between municipal governments, property owners, project owners, design professionals, contractors and insurance carriers. His municipal engineering background also enables him to resolve conflicts such as property line disagreements, drainage problems and other local government matters.

Resume and CV

Click here for a summarized Resume (add link) or here for Carl E. Peters full CV (add link)

Building and Zoning in New Jersey

During his years in the public sector, Mr. Peters saw many people grapple with navigating the layers of local land use and construction code approvals necessary to build a project in New Jersey. He has created the guide to Building and Zoning in NJ to offer some basic information to assist homeowners and small businesses about the development process in the State of New Jersey.