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Subdivision Review

Subdivision Review Process

Completeness Review

An application for site plan or subdivision review must be determined to be complete before the clock starts on the allowable period for review of the application. The board or its designee have 45 days to compare the application documents submitted to see if they meet all of the requirements included in a municipal checklist for the type of approval requested. If the town does not take action within 45 days the review clock starts.

If the municipality finds that there is information missing, they must identify the data that remains to be provided. When you resubmit the application they have another 45 days to determine if the revised application is complete.

Minor Subdivision Review

The ordinance may authorize the planning board to waive the notice and public hearing requirements when the board or its subdivision committee finds that the application conforms to the definition of a minor subdivision. The board has 45 days to take action on a minor subdivision application.

Preliminary Major Subdivision Review

An application for preliminary subdivision approval containing 10 or fewer lots must be acted upon with 45 days from the receipt of a complete application. For more than 10 lots the period is 95 days.

Final Subdivision Review

A final major subdivision application must be acted upon within 45 days of submittal of a complete application.

Simultaneous Review

The board may act on both preliminary and final site plan applications simultaneously. They may also act upon conditional uses and subdivision applications simultaneously with site plan applications. The longest time period for any individual action will govern.

Findings of Fact and Conditions of Approval

The board must render a written decision on every application. A memorializing resolution must be adopted at a meeting not later than 45 days after the date when the board voted to grant or deny approval.

Performance Guarantees

The board may require the posting of performance guarantees to insure the installation and maintenance of on-tract improvements. A performance guarantee in the amount of 120% of the estimated cost of the improvements will be required before the deed or subdivision plat may be filed.

Filing of Plats or Deeds

The approval of a minor subdivision expires 190 days from the date of the resolution of approval unless a plat conforming to the requirements of the Map Filing Law or a deed accurately describing the subdivision is recorded with the county recording officer, the municipal engineer and the municipal tax assessor.

A final major subdivision plat conforming to the requirements of the Map Filing Law must be filed with the county recording officer within 95 days of the signing of the plat.

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