Governing Body Responsibilities and the NJ Municipal Land Use Law
While the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment have direct approval authority over site plans, subdivisions and requests for variances, the Governing Body also holds responsibilities that have a very significant impact on land use, building and zoning in New Jersey municipalities. These are:
Board Appointments
The Mayor is a member of the Planning Board and the governing body appoints one of its members to be the Class II planning board member. The governing body may, at times, confirm other mayoral appointments such as appointment of members to the Zoning Board.
Land Use Ordinances
The governing body must introduce and approve all land use and zoning ordinances and the official map.
The governing body shall enforce the Municipal Land Use Law and any ordinance or regulation adopted there under.
The governing body must establish fees for land use applications and construction permits. The governing body, by ordinance, may establish standards for exemptions for some tax-exempt organizations.
If prescribed by ordinance, the governing body may hear the appeal of the Zoning Board’s approval of a type “d” variance. (see responsibilities of the Zoning Board of Adjustment in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 d.)